Bonus: {Hey Guess What? It’s Valentine’s Day!}

Monday Music & Movement: {Move Your Scarves Everybody}
Friday Favorites: {Free Singable Little Books}

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Hey all, since it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow we wanted to share one more Valentine’s day song with you. This one is a singing intervention and works well for preschoolers and early grade school. The one time I tried this with toddlers, they were more interested in chewing on the hearts. They did, however, identify the colors of the hearts receptively so it can work for toddlers as well. Just make sure you have sturdy laminating sheets.

During the verse of the song I like to have children pat their knees so their engaging voice and body (and less likely to be touching friends, etc.). Goals for this song include receptive and expressive identification of colors, body part identification, and bilateral movement. Children will clap hands, dip shoulders, wave hello, and pat knees. That’s just what we use, but you can also have children stomp feet, give a squeeze to self, beep nose as a few other options. Whatever body parts or actions that meet the goals you have set for your clients!

The melody is a modified version of the theme song to Beverly Hillbillies. Here is a link to the sheet music with melody and chords.

For the hearts, I just made a cut out with scrapbook paper because it is sturdy and used cold laminate sheets from Target. If you want, you could use dry erase on the hearts and have different actions for different groups, or use marker before you laminate. Hope you can use this cute song with your little ones!