Friday Favorites: Music Bingo for Kids!

Wordless Wednesday: 3.13.13
Monday Music & Movement: {Shake, Shake, Baby}


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One of my favorite activities to use when working with children is music bingo. The template is simple, functional, and easy to manipulate depending on the songs you’re familiar with. The template that I have linked uses six familiar children’s songs: The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, If You’re Happy and You Know It, and Row Row Row Your Boat.

Depending on the group, I either have them work together on one sheet, or give them each their own. Goals that I address can include visual and auditory perception, peer interaction, song identification, counting 1-6, directional concepts, and phonics. I like to adapt the level of difficulty by singing the lyrics, or for more a challenge, only humming the melody for each tune.

Here is the Kids Bingo Sheet

Bingo-away friends!