Friday Favorites: {Baby Animals in the Spring}

Wordless Wednesday: {3.20.13}
Monday Music and Movement: Here Comes Peter Cottontail

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Baby Bunny Rescue #2

Photo Credit: wsimmons

We think there are endless possibilities for piggybacking classic children’s songs (examples here and here). Today’s Friday Favorite is no exception! In honor of the supposed start of spring, which meant wind chills of -10 for us in Minnesota, we bring you a song about baby animals sung to the tune of “Wheels on the Bus”.

You can use this song to address goals of gross motor movement, cooperation, and academic skills such as matching pictures of baby animals to mama animals. You can review pictures of the animals and movements that they make before you start singing. Have the kids stand up and even move in a circle if they are old enough to do so. Here are the lyrics:

The bunnies on the farm go hop, hop hop

Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop.

The bunnies on the farm go hop, hop hop in the spring time.

Chicks – flap, Horsies (or baby foals) – gallop, Baby cows – swish (tails) and on and on!

Happy Spring from us at Toneworks Music Therapy Services! We are excited to move into our new clinic space in the coming month and will keep you updated on new classes starting.