Friday Roundup

Throwback Thursday: {Sensory Friendly Concert™ Photos}
Monday Music & Movement: {Grand Old Duke of York}

We’re retiring Friday Favorites (just sharing them as part of Monday Music & Movement posts) and are bringing in the new with Friday Roundups. We’ll post our favorite music therapy, education, or arts related links from the last week. Enjoy!



It is MN Music Therapy week! Watch a short video about the joys of Music Therapy at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare with Coral Karsky, MT-BC.

Struggling with communication etiquette? Get some tips from the Music Therapy Round Table Podcast.

Music Therapy Ed has been focusing on the different aspects of self-care during April, including a free self care map.

How We Read Now – 10 facts from the National Endowment for the Arts Report

I love how Music Therapist & mom, Rachel Rambach piggybacked lyrics for a rockin’ anthem for her son.

We got to be one of the beta testers of Metro Music Therapy’s Pay Per Service for Music Therapists. Looking for well researched and written marketing materials for different populations. Check it out here! 

Have you ever submitted a resume in song form?

I bet you’ve heard this song a hundred times in movies, but Rachelle shares how to use Yakety Sax during Music Therapy Groups with Seniors.