VSA Intersections 2014 Wrap-Up

Timeless Tunesday: {Friends Are Fine Musicians}
Monday Music & Movement: {Shaky Egg}


At the end of July, Lyndie and I had the privilege of presenting at the VSA Intersections Conference 2014 in Washington D.C. The conference “explores the intersection of arts education and special education” (click here to find out more). We were excited for our first presentation together at a non-music therapy conference and to learn from other educators in the arts. We loved learning about the National Inclusion Project and grabbing ideas of how to start up an inclusive summer arts camp! 

Our presentation was titled: Learning Through Music: Creating Successful Music Experiences for Achieving Pre-K Arts Benchmarks. We had such a blast leading an experiential session teaching 10+ songs for hellos, movement, instrument, academic, and relaxation interventions. Click for the handout if you would like to see the purpose and foundational skills that teachers and artists can address with music VSA 2014 Slides.

Here are links to lyrics, artists, and any blog posts we have written about the songs we shared. Thank you SO MUCH to the educators, artists, and administrators that chose to come to our session. We were humbled by the enthusiasm that participants brought to the experiential!


Peek-a-boo/It’s Cold OutsideBig Blue Scarf 

Row, Row, Row Your Boat – Stretchy Band                 

Instrumental Play                                                         

I Know a Chicken – Shakers or Chiquitas

Somebody’s Knockin’ – Rhythm Sticks

Singing and Fingerplay –                                                            

Aiken Drum – Paddle Drum & Shapes

Let’s Go Fishing – Fishing pole made out of dowel, string, & magnet or adaptive made out of a chubby marker & magnet

Sensory and Relaxation

All the FishFelt Fish [Pattern in Blog Post]

Music Assisted Progressive Muscle RelaxationExample Script Here