Monday Music & Movement:{Bumpin’ Up and Down}

Friday Roundup: {Name Songs}
Friday Roundup: {Music Games}



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Post by Alexa Rosenbaum, Toneworks intern

Though we love coming up with new and creative songs and interventions for our clients, it’s even more fun when our clients bring new songs to our attention. The kids in one of the ECSE classrooms we work with requested this song one day, and we have been able to use it with our stretchy band to improve gross motor imitation, palmar grasp, and academic skills like color identification!

Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon

Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon

Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon

Won’t you be my darlin’?

Move the stretchy band up and down to the rhythm of the song and sing through the verse. Each time you sing through the verse, let the students choose what color they want their wagon to be.  You can also let them pick a different type of vehicle (racecar, dump truck, airplane, bike, etc.) and alter the movement accordingly (speeding, vrooming, soaring, riding, etc.).  This is a fun way to help students improve social skills by following their peer’s ideas for ways to travel!