Thoughtful Thursday: {Humor and Fun}

Timeless Tunesday: {La Cucaracha}
Sensory Friendly Concert on 11-21-15!












Post by Alexa Rosenbaum, Toneworks intern

Recently, one of my friends showed me a statistic that while the average toddler laughs over 200 times per day, the average adults laughs around 17.  Lucky for us, we get to be around little ones all the time, and are able to find so much joy through the laughter of our clients. The following quotes are all about laughter, fun, and silliness, things that I strive to bring to both my professional and personal life every single day.  I believe that one of the most important qualities of a good music therapist is not taking yourself too seriously.  It will probably lower everyone’s stress levels, and there really is nothing better than laughing and smiling with your clients and colleagues!



