Monday Music & Movement: {There’s a Scarf on my Head!}

Timeless Tunesday {I Love the Mountains Songwriting Activity!}
A Note of Thanks



As the school year comes to a close, we have been doing some of the kid’s “favorites” during our group music therapy sessions. Scarves are one of my go-to manipulatives to help students learn imitation skills while working on gross motor skills and body identification. This song was actually taught to me by Anusha, one of our new music therapy interns starting next year! Based on how big of a hit this song is, we are super excited for her to start!

The tune is simple: If You’re Happy and You Know It

There’s a Scarf on my head on my head

There’s a scarf on my head on my head

What do I do with a scarf on my head? (spoken, lift hands in air while asking)

Ahhh ahhh CHOOO!

Each time through, pick a different body part. We do knees (wiggle), toes (stomp), hands (float), and shoulders (superhero cape shimmy). To end, I usually repeat the first verse and instead of sneezing, we do deep breaths to blow them off.