How to help your kids choose gifts for others during holiday season.

Spotify Playlist Of The Week: November 7th, 2016 [Patriotic Radio]
Wish List!


The Holiday season is right around the corner, and sometimes finding the right gift is a challenge. First we should talk about why is important for your child to start giving gifts to others.

  • When you give you get
  • Teach caring for others
  • Gain a sense of pride

When you give the right gifts you see smiling faces, and excited voices you feel better by making someone happy. Teaching caring for others is important because no one can make it alone, we depend on each other to keep on going, and when you care for others they care for you. When you give gifts you also gain some pride knowing that you were the reason you made someone feel happy.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help your kid find the right gift for others:

  • Asking the child “What does _____ Like?”
    • Offer suggestions if they have hard time deciding “Doesn’t grandpa like Cars?”
  • Giving Options
    • Hold up Two different gifts and ask the child “Should we get a Car or Coffee Cup?”
  • Handmade Gifts!
    • ^Click over to the arts and crafts website for ideas! Handmade gifts are great because the child gets to make it themself!
  • Help Wrap/Package Presents
    • Filling in the TO:      FROM:       on the package

Using this strategy can assure that you will find the right gift and allow your child to help decide/make the gift. Giving options allows you to narrow down what types of gifts to get, and because you selected the gifts the child can choose A or B and still pick the right gift!
Happy Gift Shopping!