Popcorn Kernels: A Snack Worthy Intervention

Spotify Playlist of the Week: Motown Movement
Spotify Playlist of the Week: Lacey’s Indie Folk Favorites

It’s now fall season — which means school, football, combat boots, sweaters, scarves, and pumpkin spice lattes. But amidst all that, don’t forget your snacks! This week we’re blogging about a super cute scarf intervention and resources called ‘popcorn kernels’. Keep reading for step-by-step directions!

We got this idea from Dana and Lindsey on their YouTube channel called ‘Jbrary‘. If you’ve never heard of them, check out their website. They are AMAZING! They have a ton of great resources helpful for both parents and music therapists. These songs are perfect for early childhood clients or classrooms and are often times piggy-backed from familiar kid songs that your little ones are sure to know.

This particular song – popcorn kernels – is a scarf song based on the tune “Are You Sleeping”. Click on the video to watch!

And that’s it! A super simple, cute, and fun activity to do with scarves. We hope you enjoy!


||   Lacey Reimnitz   ||