Four Craft Resources that Celebrate Thankfulness

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Four Craft Resources that Celebrate Thankfulness

Hello everyone!

It is the time of year where we reflect on the things that we are most grateful for. Here at Toneworks we are extremely thankful for our clients and their families. We love creating, playing, and sharing music with those we care about and are forever grateful to have the opportunity to do it everyday! Practicing being thankful is an important lesson and we have 4 craft resources that help fulfill this goal. Use these resources at home while children are on Thanksgiving break or use them as another activity with your students and clients. Check out the list below!

1. The Gratitude Game: Pick-Up Sticks

This wonderful resource comes from Teach Beside Me blog. Feel free to use pick-up sticks or even colored popsicle sticks! Each colored stick represents something that you are grateful for. For example, if you pick up a red stick, you need to name a person you are grateful for. Create a color guide that easily explains what each color stands for. Have each participant take turns and feel free to have spontaneous conversations during the game!

2. Paper Bag Turkey Puppet

This craft is definitely a hands-on project. You will need a paper bag, a pencil, construction paper (red, orange, yellow, brown, white, and black), glue, scissors, and feathers (optional).

– Begin by cutting out the shapes of the turkey’s eyes, nose, wattle, and feathers (if not using synthetic craft feathers).

– Have your students place and glue the shapes where they would like them on the paper bag.

– To take this craft a step further, have students write something they are thankful for on the bag!

3. Thankful Tree

This amazing resource comes from Our Goodwin Journey blog. You will need construction paper (red, orange, yellow, green, and brown), a marker, tape, and scissors.

– Begin by creating the trunk of the tree by vertically taping 5-6 sheets of brown construction paper together.

– Then have students trace their hands on multi-colored construction paper.

– Cut out the outlines of the hands and during this time, ask students to brainstorm things they are grateful for.

– Once all the hand outlines are cut out, have students write on each handprint one thing they are grateful for

– After all the handprints have been accounted for, begin taping them to the top of the tree

4. Thankful Placemats

Do you need something to keep the children occupied while you prepare for Thankgiving? These placements will keep them busy – thanks to Mama. Papa. Bubba blog! All you need is some colored pencils, crayons, or markers and you’re all set to go. Once your child is finished coloring and filling in the leaves of things they are thankful for, have them choose where they would like to sit for Thanksgiving meal. A super easy and entertaining way to teach thankfulness!

We hope these resources provide a fun experience to teaching your little ones on what it means to be grateful. What are some things you are grateful for? Did your children/students enjoy these crafts? Care to share any other thankful crafts we should know about? Let us know and have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

Alannah Forstner, Toneworks Music Therapy Intern