Target Tunes {Colored Dice Matching Game}

What I’ve learned as an intern at Toneworks
Target Tunes {Blue Circle, Blue Circle, What do you See?}

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to announce that I’m finally going to start putting my Target Tunes on the blog! I’m keeping the format simple, straightforward, and EASY to use! Who knows, maybe soon I’ll put them on the Youtube 😉

Target Bullseye Spot Set: Colored dice and matching cards for 6 colors

Make your own: Sew “6” 5X5 patches of colorful fabric together at the seams and stuff with cotton balls or batting

Tune: The Farmer in the Dell

Lyrics: “Pass the dice today. Pass the dice today. Pass the dice to a friend. Pass the dice today.” (You can replace “friend” with someone’s name!”

How to play: Sit in a circle or across from someone. Hand out the cards with matching colors, with each person getting different colors. Sing each verse and at the end of the verse, whoever has the dice can roll it. Whatever color is on top is the color of the cards they have to find. They can either ask the kids without knowing what they have “go fish” style, or you can lay the cards on the floor in front of you.

Make it your own: 1) Cut up pieces of colored construction paper with directions of how to roll the dice and use that for the next turn OR 2) cut up pieces of colored construction paper with various “wh” questions. In these versions, you do not pass out the matching cards. After the die is rolled, the person can choose a card with the corresponding color!

THERE! SO EASY! Have fun 🙂