Hello Toneworks friends! As I was reminiscing about my days at school I started making a list of things I loved getting every year…new pencils, colorful notebooks, and of course a snazzy, new pair of school shoes! Even on the years when going to school made me nervous, my light up sneakers would help me be confident when I walked into the classroom. Thankfully, one of our favorite books, Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, teaches young readers to feel confident during their school days too. Today, I want to share with you another way to enjoy this singable book… with some visuals!

Visuals are a great way to encourage young readers to shake up a story or song, and the best part is that visuals can be customized to whatever your client enjoys! For this singable book (song link included below),
I created visuals that correspond with each of the locations Pete goes to at school. After singing the next location or activity Pete is at, ask your client to choose which picture matches the activity and location in the book! (My favorite visual and location combo is the sandwich to go with the lunch room- yummy!) Here are the rest of my visual and location combos:
Pete is going to school = Classroom
Where is Pete going? The Library! = Books
Where is Pete? The Lunchroom! = Sandwich and apple
Where is Pete? The Playground! = Slide
“I’m singing in my school shoes,” = Microphone
“I’m painting in my school shoes,” = Paintbrush and paint
“I’m adding in my school shoes,” = Calculator
“I’m writing in my school shoes.” = Notepad and pencil
This added element of fun can allow your client to associate other things with that school location that they may recognize when they go to school. This can lead to follow up questions based on your goal. I hope you enjoy and would love to see what visuals you create for this classic story!
Best, Amber Castellano, Toneworks Music Therapy Intern