
{Musical Playground in ECSE Classrooms}

Image Via Toneworks is very excited to announce that we have been awarded mini-grants to provide music therapy groups. Lyndie Walker and I will be going into […]

Monday Music & Movement: {Oh Mr. Sun}

Image Credit I don’t know what the weather is like where you live…but in MN we have had sleet, thundersnow, and rain for the last week […]

{Autism Awareness Day!}


Friday Favorites: {The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Parachute Style!}

Image Credit If you’ve followed the blog for any time, you will know that both Lyndie and I have an abounding love for the Laurie Berkner […]

Monday Music & Movement: The Clown Juggles Shapes

Image via Some of the silliest sessions I have led had songs that centered around the theme of a circus. I’ll be sharing them through the […]

Friday Favorites: Laurie Berkner Band’s Airplane Song

I’ve talked about how much we love to use the Laurie Berkner Band’s songs during music therapy sessions. Today’s Friday favorite is another from the LBB […]

Friday Favorites: Brown Bear, Brown Bear Singable Book

Image via Macmillan I think most music therapists that work with kids know how versatile the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear can be during sessions. The words […]