The Musical Autist

Wordless Wednesday: {Sensory Friendly Concert 12/5}

Sensory Friendly Concert on 11-21-15!

  On Saturday, November 21st, the Schubert Club will be hosting a Sensory Friendly Concert featuring the ensemble Windsync. The concert will be at the Landmark Center in […]

Wordless Wednesday: {10.14.15}

Ok, I know this poster isn’t technically wordless, but our first Sensory Friendly Concert of the year is THIS SUNDAY at Minnetonka City Hall! We are […]

Sensory Friendly Concert: {May 10th at 10:30AM -Grace Baptist Church}

We are excited to be rapidly approaching Saturday, May 10th! It is our third Sensory Friendly Concert, graciously hosted by Grace Baptist Church in Eden Prairie. […]

Throwback Thursday: {Sensory Friendly Concert™ Photos}